Black & White

Street Photography With The Fujifilm 90mm f2

As a follow up to my review of the Fuji 90mm f2, I thought I'd throw up some of the street shots I took at the Edinburgh Festival with said lens. The 90mm comes out at 135mm in full frame terms, which is 100mm longer than I tend to shoot on the street...just saying. The order is a bit random, but so is life!

The 90mm was a blast on the street. Even at f2, the autofocus locked on and the look is fantastic. I tend to shoot at around f8 with a 35mm on the street, so it's kinda refreshing to see the buttery smooth shallow depth of field that the 90mm produces. I've recently picked up the new 35mm f2? So far I'm really impressed with the performance and at £299 in the UK it didn't break the bank. I'll get out soon and shoot some street with it, so stay tuned. I could do with an X-Pro2 to go along with the 35mm f2 now :o)

Paris Street Photography 2015

Here's a selection of street photos from a trip to Paris earlier this year. Paris is definitely a great place to shoot street, and although their laws are a little more strict on taking pictures of the public than they are in most countries, I was never challenged in any way. I had my usual routine when I'm in a foreign country of getting up around 6am and walking for hours, which is why the streets don't look too busy in these pictures.

These were shot with a mixture of the X100T with the fixed 23mm or the Wide Conversion Lens, and the X-T1 with the 35mm or 56mm. I don't really like the shape of the X-T1 for street photography, so on a more recent trip to New York, I took the X100T and X-E2. But more on that later.

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World Press Photo And A Wet Edinburgh Festival

A trip to Edinburgh with two of my photography buddies to visit the world Press Photo Exhibition gave me a chance to grab some street photos.

I don't do politics, but Jeremy Corbyn, who could be the next leader of the labour party here in the UK and then possibly Prime Minister, just happen to cross my lens on arrival at the train station.

Even though there has been a lot of controversy over the last year or so with World Press Photo, it was great to see this years exhibition in the Scottish Parliament building.

Fuji X-Mount Lensbaby Edge 80 Street Photography

I went for a walk the other day to try out my new LensbabyComposer Pro and Edge 80 optic. Yes they have finally brought out a Lensbaby with a Fuji X-Mount. I'll have more Lensbaby street stuff coming soon, but in the mean time, if you want to read more and see some colour shots from this same walkabout and even a couple of tips regards to camera setup, click HERE.

Click the photo above to see the very flat out of camera and slightly underexposed JPEG. I've noticed that the Dehaze Slider in the latest version of Lightroom CC is a must for the Edge 80 (for the colour versions at least).

9 From The Hip

9 photos shot from the hip using zone focus with my trusty X100S. Sometimes it's nice to get a lower point of view. These were also taken on a great day out with Kevin Mullins &co on the cold streets of Glasgow (Scotland). Street works best alone, but it's nice to get together with other street photographers sometimes.

Bladder Man

Do I need to say more than the title? :o)

I had a really great day out with fellow X-Photographer Kevin Mullins & Co in Glasgow today shooting street photography. Did anybody spot us? Long day but well worth it. Plus I have a bunch of new stuff to post here on 35mmStreet. Always good to meet a nice bunch of fellow street photographers.

Contact Sheets & Backstage Fashion

Remember this shot from the summer? I just posted a new episode of The Digital Contact Sheet that looks at the process of shooting this frame and the 24 before it. You can see the contact sheet and the file straight out of camera.

I also have a new black and white documentary story called Fashion Consciousness published on the Kage Collective site today that takes a look backstage at a fashion event.

Out of the Darkness And Into The Light

No reason to stop shooting street just because the sun goes down. Just stay close to shop fronts and use the light from their big windows. There's also less chance of being seen if you're standing in the shadows. A good fast prime lens is essential for this though. These were al taken with the Fuji X-T1 and 35mm f1.4.