The Taxman Giveth & The Taxman Taketh Away

I'll try to post a street photo from the X-Pro1 every day this week. If I miss a day, I'll post two the next. This one is pretty self explanatory. The taxman giveth and the Taxman taketh away. We have many forms of tax in the UK. Some with black hats, some with white, some with no hats at all. They'll take everything on this sign and more...much more!

New Documentary Site Is Now Online

I've launched a new website for my documentary projects here. I was originally going to add it as a section on my main site (this one), but I felt it needed a darker look and it's own URL. I'll be shooting a new story soon, but I'm trying to hold off until the new Fujifilm X-Pro1 arrives, as I really need good performance at high ISO. On the X-Pro1 front, I have added it on the gear page, plus the 18mm f2 and the 35mm f1.4 prematurely, but I wanted to complete the site.


I have another story that I already shot that would be amazing for the site, but I would like to get permission out of respect (it's not the photo below).


Fujifilm X-Pro1 Mirrorless System Camera


This is a cross post with my blog at

News of the new Fujifilm X-Pro1 mirrorless system camera was leaked today ahead of it's January 10th announcement. It looks like the exposure compensation dial will be in the same place as the X100's but recessed down into the top plate . I have also seen photos of a pre-production unit, and it looked just like this, except it was in it's bare metal state. Notice how far to the edge of the camera the viewfinder is? That should mean you don't see as much of the lens hood that you do in the X100.

The Specs for this unit will be 16mp APS-CMOS sensor with 6 photo sites instead of the usual 4. It will also have Fuji's excellent EXR processor. The lens options will be an 18mm (27mm equivelent) f2.0, 35mm (53mm) f1.4 and a 60mm (90mm) f2.4. Looks like Fuji have left out a 35mm equivalent so not to offend it's little X100 brother. It will have a 2nd generation hybrid viewfinder that according to the French page below, will zoom. Ship date is said to be March, but I think there may be even more demand for this than the X100. I'm looking at doing quite a bit of documentary photography this year, and this camera is a dream come true. it won't replace my X100, but complement it.