28 Days Later

There's nothing like getting out on the street while most people are still in bed. Where you would normally find hustle and bustle, there's just an Eerie calm and quietness. This shot was taken with the X-Pro1 and the 18mm f2. If you have an X-Pro1, make sure you update the firmware to v1.01. it's a great improvement for both camera and lenses. The lens chatter is now almost silent.

Three Stripes And Your Out!

I don't know if he fell on hard times recently (very recently judging by the jacket) or if he had been lying there from the night before. Some people stopped to see if he was alive or dead, but most just looked and walked on. I did neither. I stopped and took photos. You don't have to make as many difficult choices when you're a photographer!

Claire De Looney

The girl on the left must be a photographer because she has GAS (gear acquisition syndrome). The one in the middle has some other type of syndrome, but I'm not sure it's been named yet. And did you spot the pirate with a pistol? This shot was taken at the Wizard Festival in the north of Scotland using the X100. Enjoy Friday the 13th and have a great weekend!