Musicians On The Streets :: Edinburgh Arts Festival 2012

Here's a couple of interesting characters on the streets of Edinburgh during the Fringe Festival. I think the guy in the foreground might be Slash's (Guns & Roses) sisters friends cousins uncles neighbors step-son...but I could be wrong!

This street muso has decided that the more tone holes in his guitar the better. In fact it might have been the woodworm that decided!

Another street musician that's just surprised to be here.

This guys instrument was so poor that thief's stole his case and left the guitar.

I think someone's got instrument envy. Not that he wants one...more he'd like to be one! All these shots were taken with the X-Pro1.

Fujifilm X-E1 :: A Street Photographers Dream?

All of the photos posted on this site (for at least a year) have been taken with the X100 or the X-Pro1. Out of these two cameras I would say that the X100 is the best tool for the job due to there being less shutter lag. But the X100 has had quite a few firmware updates to give it the edge. Even so, it can still be a little frustrating at times when you see a shot, take it and then curse the thing when the viewfinder display screen pops up to reveal a different photo than the one you new you had taken. Ladies and jiglly bits, I give you the Fujifilm X-E1. When I first saw the so called leaked (by the Fuji PR department) photos of this camera, I didn't give it much thought. The fact that it had no optical viewfinder made me write it off as being a camera that I wouldn't buy or use (even though I've been using the X-Pro1 EVF about 50% of the time recently. But I've started to look at it differently in the past week with the icing on the cake coming the other day with the news that it could focus in 0.1 seconds and had a shutter lag of just .005. If this is true and not just hype, the X-E1 could be one of the best street photography cameras on the market when it's released.

Take a look at my photography blog for more of my thoughts on the X-E1

A Seal Catching A Fish :: Edinburgh Arts Festival 2012

Talk about the decisive moment eh? I have another shot where he has his head in his hands and I really like it, but this "catching a fish" shot is priceless!.

This guy reminded me of the singer 'Seal', which tied in nicely with the shot above. Both shots taken with the X-Pro1 and the 35mm f1.4.

Fujifilm X-Pro1 Black & White at 3200 ISO :: Belladrum Music Festival

Balladrum Music Festival near Inverness in Scotland is a pretty interesting place and it's full to the brim with interesting people. I was there as a musician playing last on the second stage, so there was plenty of time to walk around and catch a few shots with the X-Pro1 and the 35mm f1.4. I usually prefer something a bit wider, but I really enjoyed shooting with the 50mm focal length for a change.

All of these shots in this post were taken in low light at 3200 iso and the X-Pro1 performed fantastically (even the focus).

Festivals are a great excuse to dress up in what ever takes your fancy. Most people would like to look a few pounds lighter, but the guy in the photo above decided he would like something a little different.

Have a look at my other blog HERE to see more photos from this festival in both colour and black & White.