Bladder Man

Do I need to say more than the title? :o)

I had a really great day out with fellow X-Photographer Kevin Mullins & Co in Glasgow today shooting street photography. Did anybody spot us? Long day but well worth it. Plus I have a bunch of new stuff to post here on 35mmStreet. Always good to meet a nice bunch of fellow street photographers.

Contact Sheets & Backstage Fashion

Remember this shot from the summer? I just posted a new episode of The Digital Contact Sheet that looks at the process of shooting this frame and the 24 before it. You can see the contact sheet and the file straight out of camera.

I also have a new black and white documentary story called Fashion Consciousness published on the Kage Collective site today that takes a look backstage at a fashion event.

35mm Street On YouTube :: Hong Kong

One of my new years resolutions was to get some videos on YouTube and add a section for them on this site. The first one (above ) is a collection of pictures I took in Hong Kong with the X100, X-Pro1 and X-E1. I was staying on Lamma Island, but would get up early and catch the first ferry to Central HK to be able to capture people going to work and the news vendors handing out the free newspapers. Hong Kong is my favorite place on the planet and If you haven't been, I highly recommend going now, as change is in the air.

Out of the Darkness And Into The Light

No reason to stop shooting street just because the sun goes down. Just stay close to shop fronts and use the light from their big windows. There's also less chance of being seen if you're standing in the shadows. A good fast prime lens is essential for this though. These were al taken with the Fuji X-T1 and 35mm f1.4.

Wrapping Up And Moving On

Christmas has come and gone once more and 2015 is almost here. It's at this point we tent to look back at the year past and plan ahead for the one on the way. 2014 has flown past so quick and in a lot of ways I feel I have talked so much about photography, but not shot nearly enough. I've had some good things happen this year, like becoming an official Fuji X-Photographer and shooting some amazing musicians for Project Jazz.  But I feel I could have been more productive and I'm busy making lists of things I want to do or try in 2015. I need to set aside regular times for shooting on the streets, but there are other types of photography that I want to do more of and a few that I want to tick off from my bucket list. I also have a list of documentary projects that I need to confirm. All of these street shots were taken with the X-T1 and the 35mm f1.4. I haven't switched from my preferred X100S, but just thought I'd have a bit of a change and the 1.4 came in handy on these dark days.

I'd like to thank all of you that follow this street photography blog and if you are one of the many new followers, welcome aboard. I'll try to do more regular posts this coming year and over at my photography blog HERE. Thanks especially to those of you that sent emails with very kind comments on the pictures I post here. I'm always blwn away by the value some of you place on them and I never never never take that for granted. It's these emails, likes and comments that keep me posting here.  I hope you all have a great time over the festive season and a fantastic new year. I have more pictures shot around the Xmas season that I'll post next week. Happy new year to you all and best of luck for 2015.

Six Dead In Glasgow Rubbish Truck Crash

Another Christmas disaster struck the city of Glasgow today, when a rubbish lorry (refuse truck) ploughed through shoppers and cars before smashing into the Millennium Hotel at George Square. At the time of writing this post, it's thought that the driver of the truck had a heart attack and lost control. Six people are believed to be dead with many more seriously injured, many of them children.

And Now For Something Completely Different :: Street With A Fuji 50-140mm

As the name of this blog would suggest, I usually shoot street photography with a 35mm lens. But after some random shooting while trying out the latest 50-140mm f2.8 zoom from Fuji, I naturally was drawn to the city streets. I can't say I felt comfortable walking around with what is a 75-210mm in full frame terms, and a bit too big and obvious for street photography. But I enjoyed the change and once again this lens blew me away with it's sharpness and quick auto focus. You can see some of these in colour by clicking HERE. Looking at these pictures, I find it interesting that I came away with the same shots I would have with a 35mm lens, I just stood further away. It just shows that we frame the shots with our eye, not with the lens. I also shot some portraits and  reviewed this lens HERE.