The brand new and improved Derek Clark Photography website is now live here. The website and the blog are now on the same .com address, which is much better for lots of reasons, including easier to find things and better SEO ranking on Google and Yahoo. The site should have gone live on the 1st of January, but things went a bit off track and took 2 days to get back on line. There are still a few tweaks to be made, but it's almost there.
New for 2011 is the Project 365 section, which is one picture per day for 365 days of the year. Please check in every day for the latest photo. DSLR, point and shoot or iPhone. Black and white or colour, it doesn't matter as long as a fresh pic gets uploaded every day.
The blog is now split into two parts. The Image blog is for posting frequent photos without text. The regular blog is for posts with text or text and photos featuring photography news, reviews, tips and basically anything photography related. You can expect at least three posts per week on the regular blog. Watch out for a post on how to shoot the water droplet pictures from Project 365 - 3rd of January shoot.
Please post a comment using the link above if you like the new design, or have any suggestions for the site.