X-Pro1 v3.10 : Satisfaction & Hopes


One of the most important firmware updates for the Fujifilm X-Pro1 is released on Dec 5th 19th and it looks like the camera is finally complete. Although v3.0 was a very welcome update recently that gave us quicker focus and focus peaking (amongst others), this new firmware v3:10 gives us some great new features, one of which should have been in the camera from day one. Here’s a list of what's new. I've included a list of four things I would like to see in a future firmware at the bottom of this post.

  1. We can now edit file names in the camera. So instead of your files being named DSCF*** you can now choose your own letters. Four letters if you shoot in the sRGB colour space and three if you shoot in Adobe RGB. This is great if like me, you have two X cameras that have shot a similar amount of frames. Files from both cameras can now live in one folder.
  2. Improved RAW file conversion. After converting a RAW file in camera, instead of being left at the JPEG, it now goes back to the original RAW file
  3. See the exposure setting in live view and histogram.
  4. Change of numbering for images shot using continuous shooting mode. Before the upgrade, only the first image was displayed full screen and the others were shown smaller at the bottom right of the screen and the file number was set to S+7-digit number. With the new firmware, all shots are shown in full screen and the number sequence is the same as if they were shot in standard single shot mode.
  5. Aperture and shutter speed can now be changed once AE Lock has been selected.
  6. Minimum shutter speed in Auto ISO. This is the best feature of this upgrade and one that should have been in the camera from day one (as it was in the X100). When selecting Auto ISO, we can now set Standard ISO, Maximum ISO and Minimum Shutter Speed.
  7. Improved cover range and accuracy of the bright frame in the OVF. The position of the bright frame with parallax compensation during AF Lock, the shooting area can be checked, even after letting go of the shutter button (not available in EVF only cameras like the X-E1 and X-E2.


Exposure Compensation in Manual Mode with Auto ISO. Sounds strange, but I'd like to be able to use Auto ISO but be able to manually choose aperture and shutter speed. Yes you can do that right now, but auto ISO kicks in and makes Manual Mode act pore like Full Automatic. Meanwhile the EV Comp dial is doing nothing.

Loose the Basic setting in the Custom Settings Menu (1st position in Q). This serves no purpose and is a source of confusion. No matter what Custom Setting is selected (C1-C7), Basic will always be displayed the next time the Q menu or Custom Setting menu is accessed. Kill it Fuji!

I'd still like to be able to select Macro from the Fn button or the Q Menu and free up the four way pad on the back so it can always be live for selecting focus points (like on Nikon DSLR's), no need to activate the function, just move one of the four switches

On the X-Pro1 and X-E1, make the AF Button on the bottom left side a second Fn Button. Allow this to be used for Macro (see above), AF-L, AE-L and all the other functions attached to the original Fn Button.