Welcome To 35mm Street

I've had a street blog over on my commercial site Derek Clark Photography but it always felt like an add on (which it was), rather than a blog fully dedicated to street photography. So I thought it was time to launch 35mmStreet.com. As well as sharing useful tips and techniques on shooting, I hope to bring news, reviews and links on the subject of street photography. I have migrated the posts from my original street blog and will have lots of content on a regular basis.

At the moment I shoot street mostly with the Fujifilm X100, so you can expect quite a bit of content on that fantastic little camera. The X100 has an equivalent focal length of 35mm, which is widely considered to be the perfect sized lens for street photography (not that it's the only focal length for shooting street). Most of my street photography is black and white, but there will be the odd bit of colour.

Although this site is just starting, I'm hoping that as well as bringing readers from my own blog, I can attract lots of new readers from the street photography world (old and new), and that we can have a two way conversation about all things street. Please add this site to your RSS reader by clicking the link at the top of the site. 35mmStreet is also on Twitter, Flickr, 500px and Facebook . Content will be added to these sites soon after the main 35mmStreet site goes live.

I look forward to your input.
