Glasgow * Edinburgh * London * Hong Kong * Macao * Philippines It's travel time. These shots are from Glasgow (first shot) & Edinburgh (all others) in Scotland, which is not exactly traveling for me, but I've had them sitting in a folder waiting to post, but just haven't had time. Next up should be London and then....well, the title of this post will give a road (air & Sea) map of where I'll be heading.

I'll be shooting documentary work at orphanages in two cities in the Philippines for an NGO. But apart from that, I'll be doing whatever I feel like, That will include black and white street photography for this blog, and lots of documentary and travel stuff on my other blog at DerekClarkPhotography. I'll be tweeting new posts with #dcpAsia.

Click HERE if you would like to see what gear I'm taking on this trip. I't's obviously a Fujifest. So stay tuned on both blogs, look out for #dcpAsia on Twitter and follow me on @derekclarkphoto & @35mmStreet. I hope you come along for the ride.

And finally. You've got to love this; A Japanese tour guide in Edinburgh to show Japanese tourists around. Makes sense to me.