Glasgow Commonwealth Games 2014 & Testing New Fuji Glass

Fuji X-T1, 10-24mm f4 at 17.5mm. Shutter speed on this was 1/60th sec while panning with the bikes.

I've had the pleasure of trying out some great new Fujifilm X Series Lenses that they sent to me recently and thought I'd post some street shots here before I review them over at my DCP Blog. The lenses are the tiny 27mm f2.8 Pancake, The super wide 10-24mm f4 and two converter lenses for my favourite street cameras the x100 & X100s. these two screw on lenses take the standard 35mm (full frame equivalent) lens down to 28mm or up to a 50mm. 28mm, 35mm &50mm are all great street photography focal lengths, so there's pretty much something for every street photographer wishing to use the X100 or X100S. Reviews for each lens coming soon.

X100S 19mm wide angle converter lens

X100S 23mm standard lens

X100S 35mm tele converter lens (50mm FF)

X100S 35mm tele converter lens (50mm FF)

X100S 35mm tele converter lens (50mm FF)

Fuji X-T1, 10-24mm f4 lens at 24mm

Fuji X-E1, 27mm f2.8 lens