Decisive Moment

One Frame 009: Decisive Moment

We’ve all heard about Henri Cartier Bresson’s ‘The Decisive Moment’ I guess. The shot of the man leaping over the puddle (or into it) springs to mind. But HBC just meant that you have to press the button at the right moment. A lot of the time if you see the picture - you have already missed it. So you have to anticipate the moment. But to be honest, sometimes you just get lucky!

This frame was shot during the second month of the Covid-19 lockdown when exploring places off the beaten track was not only fun - it was essential if you wanted to avoid contact with fellow humans. While walking with my wife and kids we came across this burned-out car. I was flying a drone at the time so I grabbed 7 frames of the kids playing on and around the car as the drone hovered above. I only took a single shot of my son jumping off the wreck, and this is that frame. I used the drone footage for my Coronatime film, which I was asked to make for the Fact Not Fear series (below).